Around The Farm

This page is for our non-horse type animal companions, as well as random shots around our farm and pictures of the herd. Updates here will be periodic and are mostly a way of providing a peek into day to day activity around Mythic Friesians.


Around the Farm near Biggar, Saskatchewan

Another view of the orchard - notice the Friesian nose behind the fence? December 2015

The orchard trees covered in frost, December 2015

The view down our driveway with the new barn built, October 2015

The sun setting over the new farm, September 2015

From our back deck looking towards the new barn, September 2015

Building the Barn

First day of work on the new barn, September 25, 2015

The roof is going on, September 28, 2015

An inside view, the skylights make it so bright! September 30, 2015

Almost done! October 1, 2015

The doors finally go on, November 19, 2015

Our Old Farm, near Swanson, Saskatchewan

Friesians, left to right - Thomas MF, Ceridwen MF, Vokeltsje D, Undara MF - picture by Judy Wood

The mare herd, Friesians leading the way, Clydesdales behind - picture by Judy Wood

Molly supervising the yard - picture by Judy Wood

A train passing the back of our property

Ana sunning in the winter-bare lilac bushes

Skittles hunting in the tall grass - great camoflage

Corgi Suzanna keeps an eye on things

At The First Farm in Saskatchewan

Foggy morning in Saskatchewan, September 6th, 2008

The barn, and Ourenske H at the fenceline

Random MF and Wolfric MF in their field

The house, built in 1913

Great Dane Serentiy keeps a close eye on barn cat Skittles

At The Old Farm in BC


Lonely Flower

Our old barn cat Wolf

Our old farm dog Naya - German Shepherd x Border Collie. She stayed with our trainer Lynn in British Columbia