KFPS Website: english.kfps.nl
Home of the European Mother Studbook of the Friesian horse, the KFPS

FHANA Website: www.fhana.com
Friesian Horse Association of North America, the only representative of the KFPS in North America

Alberta Friesian Horse Association: www.afha.ca
Alberta Friesian Horse Association, the FHANA recognized chapter for the Canadian Prairies

Friesian Connection Stallion Station: friesianconnection.com/stallion-station
The Friesian Connection stands some of the very best approved KFPS breeding stallions in North America.
They also ship excellent quality semen to Canada!

Signature Friesians: www.signaturefriesians.com
Signature Friesians are another excellent stallion station, who ship cooled semen to Canada.